The Link Bridge.

I’d a walk at The University of Stirling this afternoon, my wife was having coffee in Stirling. The nearby hills were nice, but it was raining on Campus.

The Link Bridge is a key access route between the Cottrell Building, bus hubs, Cottrell car parks and the Campus Central Building and Atrium. It was modernised last year. The contract included replacement of the curtain walling (ie floor to ceiling window formations, all 125m of it!), new flooring, ceiling finishes and radiant panel heating down each side. The roof was replaced, apparently there are solar panels which feed electricity to the Bridge.

The design of the multi-year, multi-million ££ wider Campus Central project was given a Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) 2023 Building of the Year award in the summer by. It’s in the running now for a further award, results due this week.

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