Penguins and a Polar Bear

greeted us as we entered Dobbies at Rothley. It is a garden centre but sells a lot of other stuff besides.

Len felt a bit low today exacerbated by my overhearing him talking to 'someone from Microsoft' on his phone. We've had this before. I was crass. Shut the computer down, I cried.

Plus it was a dismal rainy day. I announced that we should go to Dobbies to take advantage of our two free drinks. We also had ham, egg and chips but that wasn't free.

I did succeed in getting Len to buy a bag of compost which I want  to use to refurbish the trough on the front porch.

I also suggested we visit Colin on the way home. A pleasant interlude lubricated by two gin and tonics for me and cups of tea for Len and Colin. Colin tells me that the Christmas Tree Festival at the church will be this weekend.

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