Daisies and …..

….. ….. ….. Maggy Mott violas. The Maggy Motts bloomed all winter and are still going. They’re delightful. The yellow daisies are in full bloom now.

I wasn’t feeling great this morning. I think I must have eaten something high histamine for lunch yesterday. It wore off though and Missy & I pottered up Tobins Track late morning. It was fairly hot by then but Missy managed by often walking in the wetness at the edge of the track. We walked through the Arrow River at the bottom of the track too. That cooled us both off! Missy kept swimming strongly across against the current with a bit of help from me.

My daughter has had an okay day and says that the pain in her arm isn’t too bad. Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday - very much appreciated. She is hoping to continue teaching her students tomorrow. She teaches English as a Second Language to overseas students, mostly at home.

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