Guilt and Pleasure

Lets deal with the guilt first.
I am currently listening to BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week.
The book is Wasteland. In five episodes it deals with such things as Plastic and the lesser known horrors of electronic waste. An underlying theme is that we will have to learn to buy less “ stuff “. I very much agree. In general I am trying to resist.

So why have I been out this morning to buy a new vacuum cleaner ?

Well the old one is over 20 years old. It is very heavy and difficult to carry. And yet I have to get it up and down the staircase. In the last year two people I know in my age group have fallen down stairs and done themselves serious injury.
So now the old vacuum will stay upstairs.
The new one is 6kg lighter and has lots of clever features.
I cannot tell you the make as there is no advertising on Blip.

For years I have been scathing about Black Friday.
Indeed when we went to the store this morning we thought the sales were over.
But as this was reduced from £229 to £139 and as it is a Which 
Best Buy I am not going to complain.

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