
Yesterday, 29 degrees and a morning dip in the Atlantic. Today, 2.9 degrees* and a chilly plod round the park. Both are fun in their own right.

I took today off work as well as i wasn't sure what time we'd get home and I still have a few days left this year. In the end it wasn't too bad but it was still nice not to have to rush around. 

As well as the washing mountain to deal with I could have done without finding that the garage power had tripped at some point in the last couple of days and all the freezer food had defrosted and needed cooking, or chucking. I noticed there'd been a power cut but I've never had that trip before.  Luckily it wasn't too full, other than with lots of garden veggies, so I've  used the odd bits of meat and sausages to make lots of stews to refreeze, and will make soup with the veggies at the weekend. 

*Artistic licence, it was probably about 5degrees when I went out.

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