The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

In which my colleague choked on a grape

I've done my 2-day paediatric first aid training at least three times, and helped countless children at nursery who were choking on their lunch. But what happens when an adult chokes on a grape and doesn't respond to repeated slaps between the shoulder blades? Is it time for Heimlich, or do we call a nurse? I left the other woman in the room (a visiting professional) to carry on slapping while I ran for a nurse. I fetched two, and a doctor. By the time we got back to the room, S had started breathing again (the visitor had  succeeded in dislodging the grape). S felt very tired afterwards. She'd used up about three weeks worth of adrenaline in five minutes. The nurses went back to their lunch. The visiting professional and I carried on talking. It was all far too frightening for a Tuesday. afternoon.  And a good reminder that it's not just children who choke on grapes (and presumably mini-eggs, circular pieces of sausage etc). 

Apart from that, a huge sack of cat litter arrived, the boiler was serviced, my new Senator(!) diary arrived too, and I went to yoga class, passing thse bright berries on the way. We did the dolphin pose, which is tricky but delightful to watch. I do not think I will ever become a dolphin. 

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