
By Wildwood

Seed Pod

Appropriately Christmas colored, I noticed these seed pods poking up behind the porch underneath the bird feeders. The plant is some kind of lily but until It blooms again I have forgotten which one it is. As with so many seed pods, I love the intricacy and detail which appear on the macro lens.
The whole thing is about 6-8cm wide.

The day began crisp and clear, the low winter sun shining straight into my eyes as I sat in my accustomed spot on the couch with my coffee this morning. It had risen above the window by the time I needed to rouse myself to get ready for our zoom Pilates class. We're still doing it because the Pilates studio doesn't offer a single mat class despite having expanded their current space and the fact that both the owners of the studio got their start teaching mat classes. 

Doing anything on Zoom always reminds me of the early (chaotic) days of Covid and the lockdown. The mad scrambles for people traveling to get back to their country of origin before the borders closed (Dana and Jim), and those who were locked down away from home (Blipper freespiral and her husband) the leaving of parcels and food on the porch, the home made masks that were later declared useless, the fast development of a vaccine and the confusion over who was eligible and where to get it, the thousands trapped on cruise ships that weren't allowed to dock anywhere.....It all seems a distant memory now.

I had a facial from the lovely Gail, a long talk with John about the importance of drinking water, and the fact that balance can be improved through practice, and returned Janet's quilt top and back. I suggested that it is the perfect size and style for hand knotting and she liked the idea. I was even able to come up with embroidery floss the perfect color.

The clouds have now come in, it has grown dark and rain is expected. John got the covers on the porch furniture, and I collected all the pillows scattered about and put them in the pump house. This might just be the beginning of the winter rainy season.....

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