Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Its's magic!

I do love Harvey Nicks windows and it seems I'm not the only one! I was photographing the window next to this and saw her when I turned round - it was too good an opportunity to miss ;o)

They have a whole cool conjuring vibe going on at the moment, another window is full of white bunnies - it's so cute! I have to admit I never, ever, notice what product it is they are promoting....but they are always inventive.

I had absolutely no intention of buying anything today, I was only going along to get out of the house for an hour and keep my flatmate company - I was almost out of the store and feeling very pleased with myself by not being tempted when we stopped at the Mac counter by the doors. Big mistake!
I think I'm going to have to hide my mastercard....

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