Back Again
The Golden Crowned Sparrow has returned a few times to our deck. I haven't seen him at the feeders but I haven't been here much today.
Today was my day to volunteer in Ellie's classroom. The kids were very comfortable with me being there; one little girl ran over to give me a hug, I am not sure that is appropriate behavior in schools these days but I accepted it with joy. The children got their computers today and they had to follow directions to get into the learning program, however, the computers didn't always do what they were supposed to do and there were many tears. I had empathy for the kids, I have been so frustrated with a computer that I wanted to cry. These are 5 and 6-year-olds who are expected to know all the pairs of small positive numbers that equal 10, read short sentences, log into their computer with a password, write a sentence about what they had for dinner last night, and draw a picture of their dinner. Kindergarten twenty years ago was so basic compared to now.
After school, I took Ellie to her jazz class, and then I took her shopping to buy Christmas presents for her family. She had some good ideas of what she wanted to buy them and her choices were reasonable and lovely. We went back to my house for dinner and to wrap the presents. She was so excited to put them under their Christmas when I took her home. It was a fun time for both of us.
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