from a friend (she was so kind to give me these, I've not known her long but she knew how disappointed I was about the job) :)
Thank you so much for all the love on my chilly swan yesterday! He's flying at the bottom page 3 in Popular :)
I almost forgot to do a blip today, its been a very uninteresting day again.
I did the 'reverse calendar' for our local foodbank this year from 1-24 November. Yesterday I realised I didn't know where to take the food, so I found a number and left a message. They texted me the times and where to take it. So that's what I did this morning :)
There are so many others, much worse off than I am.
I gather it may snow here tomorrow and I'm hoping it doesn't happen, as we have a funeral with a lot of people coming from a long way away...
I'm helping to set up the church and then stewarding for the service, so it will be a busy morning!
In the afternoon, unless its heavy snow - I will try to get my weekly shop done and out of the way before the 'busy' supermarket has a made weekend (I hate going in crowds, but equally don't like the way you don't always get the longer dates ordering online!)
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