Elephant Head
The lighter mountain is known as Elephant Head. It’s one of those things that you look at and see something other than what it is at first glance. In this case, from a certain angle it looks like…an elephant head!
Can you see the trunk and the ear?
The dip between the tall mountains in the rear, just to the left of center, is Madera Canyon. I had to go to Amado again today and noticed how Elephant Head was framed by the bushes and trees and figured I might as well take the picture.
There wasn’t much on today’s agenda. I took some forms to the eye doctor, straightened out some doctors appointments, and attended an HOA meeting. Ran a couple of nondescript errands, too.
In other news…the weather today is lovely. Mostly sunny, no wind and 68°/20°. Perfect day to be outside.
I used to think that drinking was bad for me. So I gave up thinking.
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