Xmas Bakery

I drove over to Cromer this morning and these two gingerbread displays were in the Craft Bakery window (and yes I did buy a cake). I went into the church to look at the various Xmas trees installed and decorated by local charities to raise money for them. I’ve added an extra of my favourite by the North Norfolk Food Bank. 

This afternoon I walked to Gresham’s to see the draft proposals for developing Holt Hall as a prep school, including changing the field behind my fence into sports pitches. It was disappointing as no more detail than the scant information on the website, but I was able to ask questions of two key people. Some reassuring news and some less so, but I’ll have to wait for the submission for planning permission. I made it clear that my concerns were over privacy; mitigation of noise pollution and mitigation of light pollution. I’ve also written to our MP to flag it up early. It’ll probably be ok, but they are quite vague over the detail, giving too much ‘wiggle room’ for a supportable planning application.

Covid Update (for my record only)
Another interesting day for the Covid Inquiry with Matt Hancock appearing. Lots of different versions of the truth being given the Inquiry by those giving evidence. Mr Hancock does like to come across as the hero of the story, probably not true but also probably not true that he was the villain either. I did have to laugh when he claimed to call on 13th March 2020 for a lockdown, against the general view and as he was so insightful. As context, this it what I wrote on blip 3 days earlier ‘Personally I think the government should step up some measures sooner rather than later. After all, on 26th Feb Italy had 400 confirmed cases (we have 373) and 12 days later they had over 9,000 cases, the health system was struggling to cope and they had to take drastic action and put the whole country into lock-down.’  We went into lockdown 13 days after my comment - not exactly rocket science is it!? 

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