
It's not far, but it took a long time to get to Berlin today. I had to leave a big margin to allow for the vagaries of Paris public transport. And, indeed, I waited for a while on the opposite side of the road from where the bus left me last night, only for someone to call to me that the stop wasn't in use today, and that I had to go around the corner.

In Berlin I wanted to chat to our former developer, so I bought time by taking an Uber from the airport. It was a very productive discussion, after which she and a few folk were going to see the lights at the nearby botanical gardens. They were generally rather standard, and it was freezing cold, but the snow added to the experience and I've pictured one of two really distinctive installations. From there we took a bus and an U-Bahn to a schnitzel restaurant, where I had a fair schnitzel and a decent pint. 

Now I'm crossing Berlin to my accommodation in the East.

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