Blimey it was cold this morning. Opened the curtains to what I thought was a really heavy frost but later decided was a light dusting of snow. It didn’t melt at all during the day! Did a bit of tidying when i got up and then got the bus into town , going via the bottle bank to drop off a bagful of glass. I waited longer than usual for a bus so only just made in time to meet SR for brunch at Delilahs. It was delicious- my favourite place in Nottingham for daytime food and coffee. Meeting up with SR didn’t fill me with joy though- all he seemed to do was moan about his friend N and talk about his upcoming heart bypass . The latter was understandable- it must be scary- but a little variety in conversational topics would have been appreciated! From there I walked up to the Playhouse for my craft class. We finished the butterflies, made origami Christmas trees snd ate chocolate. Really nice session. Went for hot chocolate/coffee as usual afterwards and then home via calling into a couple of shops . Bought another fleecy blanket for the cats from Primark so they have one in each basket, though I don't suppose they will use them!

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