Welcome to my world...

By KatJ


Busy day today. Having worked last Monday there was a lot of catching up to do and still got a post op Ollie at home. Straight after the school run I headed off for a body pump class at the gym before a quick trip to M&S food for a couple of bits and Next to return something. Home by 11am to drag the boy away from the TV and persuade him to do a bit of the work he's been set and some reading.

Whilst he did this I hoovered and mopped the whole house. Had to tidy Bec's room just to find the floor! She really is a slob (and was a moody mad again today).

Made Ollie come and collect the moody one from school as I felt he needed some fresh air after all his TV watching hard work!

Long day at work for me tomorrow and the return of the mother in law who is coming to look after Ol for the rest of the week.

The pic is the bed under the skylight reflected in the back window.

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