Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Phnom Penh

A slightly less relaxed breakfast, as we were a bit nervous whether the free hotel pickup that came with our bus ticket to Phnom Phen was actually going to work (it was fine, of course.) The bus itself was pretty comfortable too, and the scenery was interesting, and often beautiful. We checked into the hotel, a nice spa-type place in BKK (a fashionable district it transpires, lucky accident/good planning) with an infinity pool on the roof but we didn’t go for a swim until we’d been out to explore a little. We walked down to the river whilst waiting for afternoon opening at the Royal Palace, which was pretty impressive though the vibe, as they say, was somewhat uptight*. The National Museum was much cooler and more relaxed, so we had a wander round and a green tea latte in the garden café. Then we got a tuk tuk back to the hotel as we were both far too tired and sweaty for more walking – although we did go out after that swim and braved the traffic just a little way down the road for a very nice Khmer meal at Eleven One Kitchen…

*Despite respectfully taking a scarf to wrap around her shoulders, they made Beck buy a 3 dollar t-shirt at the turnstiles to wear over her dress that made her a little overly hot and grumpy – not helped by the wannabe tour guide on the way out who called out, “Hey, nice t-shirt…!”)

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