
       0.5 Joe apparently known as a "Half Joe".  NOT, actually a Coin per se; just a Coin-weight. 
       This much I/we knew:-
"In the old days, when coins were generally made of precious metal and derived their value from that metal content, there was a common (illegal) practice of clipping or shaving off a small fraction of the metal along the edge of a coin, (Which is, basically, why coins gained "milled"edges; a practice which continued until comparatively  recently) and keeping the residue for profit.  If done carefully, this debased coin would not be noticeably smaller than an original one, and could still be circulated at face value."
       What I/we didn't know was this:-
"What are coin weights used for?  Folding coin scales were designed to be carried in the pocket to check a coin's worth before accepting it.  Only coins of the correct weight were worth their face value."
"And, finally Cyril:-
A popular name for these portrait pieces was 'Joeys' or 'Joes' from the royal title on the coins - Joannes (John V, 1706-1750) and Josephus (Joseph I, 1750-77). The coin is also referred to as a 'Portuguese Piece' or 'Port Piece' on the coinweights and box labels that have survived." Publish then return 2 c what it looks like.

       Contrary to the accepted norm - "I've run out of Month before the end of the money".  -  Question to the mighty few - I have enough 50Ps to fill a month - NO!! I'm not intending that - BUT - I've at least about a week's of "Oddfellows" to squeeze in, anybody pro/contra?  
Votes in a plain brown Envelopes to~ ~ ~ ~ 

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