A dog and his shadow!

"Well, Hello Dog Shape!
Do you want to play?  Shame you're
on the Other Side!"

Leo, contemplating his shadow on the other side of the brook!  Another very chilly day.  I had diabetes training for Ben's new outreach team this morning which took a long time, the manager was the only one with a key to the office and she got stuck in Bolton, in the snow, with a flat tyre :-/  It sounded like she had the morning from hell but it did slow things down a bit for everyone else.  We finally got in and the staff were very warm and interested in what will work for Ben.  I felt mostly encouraged.  
I tried a click and collect from a Sainsburys, I nearly failed at it since they have an 'intercom thing' not a 'person on a van with your shopping' thing but I just about grasped the technology and scraped a win, getting my shopping just minutes before I had to fetch Ben.  He has been up and down at school apparently, some quite severe incidents but some lessons where he's done well and been sensible.  Frustrating but fairly normal.  He's been very quick to react with us at home but again, that's kind of our normal.  But for now, it's Friday night, we're settled in and trying to keep warm and hopefully Ben will be asleep in an hour :-)

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