Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

tiny rucksack

I've never travelled with so little stuff. Ok I have lots with me but its all training and work stuff, I mean clothes and Laura stuff. I'm partially proud of myself, but did scream at the rucksack to expand when trying to fit my smelly trainers in it this morning in Inverness.

Interesting morning. Doing a wee presentation/discussion with academic tutors, but only half were in the room. The other half were there by video conference and I've spoken to people using it before but I've never been doing a presentation while people watched on it. It was quite odd. And there were quite a few different people so it was weird when they kept popping up on my screen when they spoke then changing to someone else when they spoke etc. I wasn't prepared for that and had activities planned so some last minute changes were needed! I got through it though.

Now two days in Aberdeen delivering training. I will be really glad to be in my own bed on Wednesday night I'm finding it even more difficult than normal to sleep. Especially in Inverness where it just didn't get dark last night. Bizarre!

I miss Leo. But my dad visited him and played with him and took him out for a bit. And took his photo and a video and sent it to me. I never understood the attachment people had to pets until I got Leo. I wonder if he'd travel with me. Or just pee everywhere I took him marking his territory.

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