
By JackyMT

Someone stole the gate

There was a lovely brand new wooden gate here a couple of weeks ago, looks like someone pinched it, so the farmer has had to put big stones in the gateway. 

What is wrong with people today.

Such sad news of the death by shooting of the two swans  Jack and Vera on Middleton Park Lake Leeds.  They were loved by the visitors and children and reared several family's of cygnets. The male died instantly but the female was shot 5 times and had to be put down.
I hope they catch them and name and shame them.
All this not naming them is wrong, an innocent young boys funeral was held today he was stabbed, I wonder what the sentence will be for those that did it.

Sorry to be doom and gloom, but the way this world is going what else can you feel. Thousands killed by wars, for what...

Anyhow it's been pretty cold today as I am sure most of you in the UK will be witness to. But there was sunshine, and we didn't go out till around 10am so it was a teeny bit milder than first thing. We made our Friday hot pot before we took the dog for a walk instead of when we got home.

Happy December

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