A time for everything

By turnx3

Kennesaw Mountain

Monday 27 November
Laura left us early this morning to fly back to Wisconsin. Since Jen is more of an early riser than we are, she got up early to take her to the airport. It’s a good job they left plenty of time, as Laura texted us to say it was chaotic at the airport - the line for security was snaking all over the place- it took her over 1 1/2 hours to get through! Since Jen wasn’t back to work until tomorrow, we had decided to stay an extra day, so the three of us went to Kennesaw Mountain to do some hiking. Kennesaw Mountain National Battle Park preserves a Civil War battleground site. The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, fought here between Generals William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army and Joseph E. Johnston of the Confederate Army, took place between June 18 and July 2, 1864. Much of the Battle took place not on Kennesaw Mountain itself, but on a spur of Little Kennesaw Mountain known now as Pigeon Hill, and the area to its south. A total of 5,350 soldiers died during the battle which was deemed a Confederate victory, though Johnstone’s army nonetheless retired.
You can drive up Kennesaw Mountain, but we hiked up, and then continued down and then up Little Kennesaw, then back in a loop, making a total of just over 6 miles. It’s a popular area for hiking and trail running, so we passed quite a few people along the way. When we got back to our starting point, we had a Quick Look around the visitor center, and watched a film about the battle, before driving home. In the evening, after dinner, the four of us had a game of Scrabble, which finished with the usual result of Jen just beating out Jason for the top spot, then me, with Roger bringing up the rear!
Step count: 16,913

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