Another Blip birthday ...

... 500 and still going strong!

Starting this journal 500 days ago, we never anticipated how addictive Blipping can be, nor how elusive that one usable image can be at the end of a difficult day. Our reward is, however, immense ... a daily record of the life and adventures of a very special little boy.

Another thing that sets Blipfoto apart is the fantastic cameraderie and support from fellow Blippers. To those who've recently found us and to those still with us from the start please accept our sincerest thanks for taking time out of your busy lives to visit our journal and comment on our pictures ... your friendship and support is never, ever taken for granted ... thank you!

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'"
(C. S. Lewis)

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