Silly – that’s not the half of it . . .

When, in the wee (apply named) small hours of this morning I left a comment with DavidC, I had absolutely no idea of what silliness I could blip today.
By nine o’clock I had decided that I needed to get the green bin filled for collection while the ground was still hard, and enough silliness started to write an essay about, so I will.
Three quarters of an hour later and at -3 deg C  I had started the task (blip photo).
However frozen locks delayed things when even lock de-icer would not do the job, so bring out the blow torch (first extra).
The ‘green bin’ was full before I could cover all of the lawn (second extra) so I just had to clear the ‘deepest’ leaves.
I did rake some of the excess leaves off to the side, but there is still a lot to go (third and fourth extras).  Hopefully we have another green bin collection before they don’t bother to come until the spring!  More silliness, but this is the council.

Many thanks to DavidC for hosting this month’s Silly Saturday.  Admirer lives on in our hearts and memories.

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