First Arundel Christmas
So coughing well.. and cant believe I thought i met get to parkrun!! hmm no.
So we headed out to Goodwood Christmas Market at The Kennels epic Fail! arrived at car park sone mile and a bit away.. to a minibus system of 12 to with a 45 min wait! ahh no.. so on driving back about half a mile away decided to.park safely on the road and not so safely I hasten to.add walk to The kennels.
What a massive let down! really was running on Goodwood style but not.. and walked round the tent in 5 mins.. Queue back bus now hour plus.. we made right decision.. Walked to our car in.10 headed to local chriatmas Market that was superb! Now putting the tree up..
Well, N likes this role...
And realising first Christmas looking forward altogether as a family not circumnavigating the UK to be with our daughter in hospitals..
We stopped off at Goodwood and watched some Rally car racing and a very nice Jaguar!! by this stage im coughing morw and.determind local pub tonight.. with other residents.
A lovely man set up an event know people.. so we are walking to the local ans excited people.
However if coughing continues as it has will go home.. Its not covid!
Tried but a nice feeling inside today
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