...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Be Still

After my appointment with the EDD this morning (still unemployed), I drove across the street to the cemetery where my maternal grandparents are buried. I took my camera around, took pictures of Dan & Kay and the time-span to which they roamed this earth. I sent them to my mom.

Afterwards, I walked around....

...so many names, so many dates. Some lived such long lives, others only days. Some had flowers & pinwheels all around. Some had overgrowth. Recent visitors had come to pay respects, some hadn't been remembered in years.

When we die, we are gone. Our souls move on, that part of us that makes us, US! Bones and flesh, decaying under a plaque that indicates how long we were alive on this blue planet remain.

It was quiet, the sun was warm, the breeze blew. I was alone with my thoughts and dead people.

These palms marked a small plot of Jewish folks. I passed a neighborhood of Greeks. In the front there where a Hispanic couple mixed in with Samoans. Kind of strange that they were all still segregated somewhat. They are all dead, quiet, decaying under a plaque. No time for feuds, just stillness, expect for the breeze.

Psalm 46:10 Be Still and Know that I Am God!

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