Drving Along . . . Harry Nilsson

It was like winter today so in the afternoon we went to the movies.  The first time the forester has been to the local cinema and several years since his last movie outing.  Napoleon was what got him into the theatre.  It is an epic.  I thought it was a visceral watch with so many battle scenes.  Sadly mankind keeps making war.  The blip is driving up the main street and patiently waiting for the driver to back into a park.  If I was in charge the street would have parking on one side only. 
Yesterday was also a cool grey day and nothing caught my eye for a blip.  In the evening we went to the sister in laws for dinner.  She had invited all the men who have helped her with practical tasks over the months since the death of her husband.  Us wives got to come too :-)  The property is looking very tidy and she is ready for her daughters to come home over the Christmas Holidays which will be another milestone to navigate without the brother in law.   

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