More Than Words



Tonight is the night of the Giant Steps Ball, a time to celebrate but still a bitter sweet experience. We are able to go due to the generosity of our neighbour, Liz. Liz is a quiet achiever-she doesn't blow her own trumpet but is a kind and generous person on many fronts. She works as a health promotion officer in South West Sydney and has done much to improve the lives of people living in the region (which is a disadvantaged area), especially those from a non English speaking background. She organises a group called Mudcrabs which is a voluntary orgnisation that has revitalised parts of the Cook's river and restored some of the native bushland along the river. She has also started to take Liam swimming on a Sunday morning which he loves and I can get an hour extra in bed (most welcome). She lives her life according to what she believes in, which is so refreshing.

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