Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Happy Birthday Kieran

Today is Kieran's 22nd birthday so we left a snowy Shrewsbury and headed for Cardiff Bay to meet him at The Deck for lunch. Unfortunately, the meal wasn't as nice as usual and the heating had broken so it was cold inside the restaurant, but the staff were lovely and apologetic.  
It was lovely to spend time with Kieran but he's busy revising for his exams so needed to get back home.  We then headed for Cardiff and did some Christmas shopping.  We've never parked there before as we usually cycle from the Bay and it was a big mistake! We're not used to city driving and getting out of the carpark alone took 45 minutes!

We're so proud of the lovely young man that Kieran has become.  He's caring and hardworking and I hope that all his hard work pays off in his future career. Enjoy the rest of your birthday.  Much love. X

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