Don't Fear The Dragon!

It is the first Sunday of Advent, when many churches celebrate the news of the coming Messiah.  But, as wonderful and miraculous as the beginning of the earthly life of Jesus was, without the proper ending, His story would be just another sweet story in the history of the world.  We began our service joining our hearts and voices in praise and worship to God Who knew the end of the story from before the beginning of time and still He loved us and had a plan to redeem us from sin.  Following the welcome by Daniel, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists gave the congregation a taste of what they can expect to hear during next week's Christmas concert during the morning service with a song about the Bethlehem star, "Ancient Wonder In The Night".  After that, the congregation joined in again with more seasonal hymns and choruses before Pastor Wes took us back into Revelation, where he pointed us to the end of the story to show us that Satan has already been defeated.  He can cause trouble and suffering for those who belong  to God during our time in this broken world, but we can rest assured that if we truly belong to God, Satan has no claim on us.  That is why we need not fear the dragon-----he may have some power, but it is limited because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, conquering death and rising again to claim all those who believe and accept him as Lord and Saviour.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about all this in the Live-stream which is well worth your time to watch.  We would love to see you next Sunday morning for our Christmas Concert at 11:00 a.m. which will be preceded by our JoyRingers handbell choir to help set the mood.  They will start ringing at 10:15 a.m.  Come and be blessed!

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