My Best Efforts - Year 3


Not Quite Sure.......

.........what this is - it's growing next to a pond in a sort of bog garden - could be a primula of some sort - I couldn't see the leaves as they were obscured by others close by but it is very pretty with waxy petals of a lovely delicate colour.
Once I have done my basic chores, am off into the garden to clear out a bit more - then I suppose I may have to visit the garden centre once again! What a nuisance (NOT). I also need a can of gas for my mini flame thrower to burn of some weeds in the gravel path down the side of the bungalow - I dare not use weed killer as so many plants spill over onto the path - which is the way I like it.

A bright and sunny morning at the moment - sky is sort of hazy which could mean an increase of temperature later on - it is around 55 deg. F now but the wind has dropped again.

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Hope it's nice where you are.

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