It's been a glorious day - cold, bright and sunny. I did a long yomp round the circuit, first succumbing to an offer of a cuppa literally a few minutes into the walk - nice to have a catch up though. Kitchen Cove was looking amazing - the water even slightly tempting. A finger went in and I can confidently report back that it was arctic.
In other news:
There are redwings everywhere, flying hither and thither with their odd cry. The holly berries will be disappearing at a furious rate.
Our pump is being replaced in the well - high time for it was pretty ancient and clogged up with a surplus of minerals.The filter will be fitted tomorrow, mainly to remove the manganese. And we get a grant for this. All good.
The art area is looking enticing - paints, felt tips, stickers and interesting paper!
Thanks Kd for hosting this month's MM challenge.

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