The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Puppy Teeth

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

We went out for a bite to beat last night with B, Kitty Cat and Marsh. We were joined later in the evening by Charlie who’d had an unfortunate incident a couple of nights before when Bertie (her puppy) bit down on her finger. She’d tried to pull her finger out of his mouth but he decided to keep it in there!

She was in her pjs so threw some clothes on and went off to hospital to have it looked at. She was absolutely bricking it when they said she might need a tetanus shot…because in her bleeding haste, she hadn’t put on a bra! “I think I’d have preferred to have it in my @rse. At least I was wearing knickers!”.

It was a great wee night. We took B to the airport today and he said he’d loved catching up with his old friends. The Prince and I then headed through to Glasgow to drop off advent calendars for The Mini Princesses…It’s just around the corner!


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