Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Not A Vampire In sight

We are staying in a villa on a smallholding. The owner's parents live on the farm and have made a living from working the land for over 60 years.

Grandma and Grandad are now in their 80's so have decided to "slow down" a bit. The land which was used originally for farming fruit and vegetables to provide an income for the family, is now predominantly used for growing olive trees, however they still grow vegetables for their personal use.

As I was wondering around this morning (camera in hand), Grandma and Grandad waved me over for a chat, well a sort of a chat, as they don't speak English and I don't speak Spanish. We "chatted" with gesticulations and a lot of laughter as they showed me their produce. These bunches of garlic and chillies were hanging in a barn drying off .........

....... yes, I've got some to use for the duration of our stay in Mallorca along with tomatoes, marrows, cucumbers, onions, peppers and all the fresh lemons I could ever want to see.

We love it here!!!

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