"Students come to Robert College equipped with curiosity and passion and it is a joy to keep evolving as a teacher to meet this spirit. Everyone here needs to be at the top of their game. I love it." 
- Cyrus Carter - teacher at Robert College, Istanbul here

Other than walking the dog in lovely sunshine, my day has revolved entirely around communication - social media platforms, texts & messages in group chats, video calls, audio calls, with friends and colleagues not just in Istanbul but around the world to share our stories and memories of Cyrus, inspirational educator who we lost yesterday. The international teaching circuit is a world wide but close knit group, and memories and condolences for this much loved colleague and friend are flying around the globe via social media, so that we all grieve as one. 

I also had a long (two hours!) video call with mbfiatw Jean - she didn't know Cyrus but she knows me and we both know the impact of education and the value of someone who dedicates their life to others by being an educator.

"A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others."
- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

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