I nearly screwed this one up.

But I corked it up in the end and took another shot . . .
(sorry – getting late and I couldn’t do better than that . . .)
To be honest I did manage to get what I was aiming for, even with an hour’s gap helping out a neighbour with internet problems.
Apart from saving friends from second class internet companies today was spent at Newark with Mrs W’s RA check-up.   About fifteen minutes for the check-up (which was on time), followed by an hour or so to get a blood test.  All done now with a good prognosis, and to be seen again in twelve months instead of six.
To get the DoF I was aiming for I wound up with a four frame focus stack.  I had to play with the aperture a fair bit as well.
Many thanks to JensPhotos for hosting TinyTuesday this month.

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