
By mishkid

Naughty Madam

Took her out for a walk and could tell she hadn’t had enough exercise yesterday - she did NOT want to be put back on the lead! Sam was off ill today. Zion and I went to the dentist (he was delighted to miss some school). And Allegra and I watched half of “Christmas on mistletoe farm” - recommended to her by a school friend - she has thoroughly enjoyed it so far!

Was just saying to Zion before bed that he needed to let Allegra sleep in the morning (he keeps waking her up with his bedside lamp which he turns on to read). I said he could get dressed quietly and then go down and make himself a cup of tea if he wanted (and might as well make one for me while he’s at it). You should have seen his face - was like I told him he could have an extra stocking of presents tomorrow as well as Christmas! He started telling me what he would do as if it was some sort of dream scenario “I’ll make the tea, then I’ll go into the lounge, sit on the dog’s chair, put my tea on the table…” If I’d known this was such a treat he could have done it ages ago!

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