That View Again

From Dysynni Bridge this time.  Still snow atop Cader, more than last time.

A fine day mostly although cloud increase later.  The morning drive up the coast to Arthog for riding was a treat, clear views round the coast.  A clear snowline on the Eryri range in the distance.   This shot grabbed in a brief stop on my way back before giving the dogs a run at the ball field.

Another day of assorted jobs.  Laundry, started some clay thumb pots for vase building an dropped a few pieces and some photocards at the new florist where they will go on sale.  Nothing ventured ....

I cooked a quick curry for my tea, using an assortment of mild spices from the rack.  Turned out tasty.   Singing tonight was a small group again, the time of year when folk have multiple commitments .... or flu :-/   Still fun but more chat than song :-)

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