Live Wreath, Fake Candles

Probably because I didn't get a lot of sleep last night today has been one of those of indecision and wheel spinning...literally. I rushed over to Dana's last night for a Peloton lesson so that I can actually turn it on, and forgot to post my blip...It set the tone for the day as I wandered about the house in a state of mindless inability to make even the simplest of decisions. My sister-in-law's message asking if all was OK also said that my brother has Covid...again.

Pilates on the floor today was difficult, partly since everything seemed to hurt my knee. I did become all too aware of how related the trashed knee and the sore hip are. I ordered an exercise bike yesterday and was distracted trying to figure out if it would fit in our office/sewing room/ Pilates studio. 

I tried to call the doctor for a mandatory pre-op health check in January, didn't know how long I would have to wait for a person to answer the phone, gave up on that, but noticed that somehow I didn't sign up for my usual Wednesday Pilates class, couldn't get onto the site to do it, gave up on that as it is undoubtedly too late, and went over to Dana's to ride the Peloton which wouldn't let me in without a password that I didn't have, so I crashed Dana's profile. By the time I finished all that it was too late for the 20 minute tour of Scotland, so   just pedaled and watched my heart rate, my cadence and the calories expended. I realized I could tighten up the shoes which helped a lot , but then couldn't figure out how to loosen them again. I could have called for help but had dropped my phone on the floor. The seat is quite high up and one can't reach the floor without getting out of the shoes. I thought Dana might come home from work to find me trapped on her bike. Some days everything just seems harder...

This probably wasn't the day to decide to get my camera working. I seem to have forgotten everything I knew about using a 'real' camera and uploading the pictures, but most of it came back to the time I got it working I didn't really have time to be inspired by it, so I offer a picture of the lovely fresh wreath that arrives every year. At least we remember that it comes from our stockbroker because it doesn't say it anywhere on the package but is cleverly concealed with directions on a card inside the box for finding it.

The day went on like that...I pondered over a present for John, but gave up when I decided I needed to consult my tech advisor before proceeding.

Tomorrow will undoubtedly be better....but at least I will remember to publish this right now....

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