Suffering for my art

Well, here's my office for the next 10 weeks. In the distance you can make out Austria. Behind me is Switzerland (200 yards in fact), and I'm standing in Italy.

And the weather up here has been absolutely stunning as well. Totally sunburned in two days.

Obviously it's this years FotoStelvio project and my much laid plans are already in tatters.

The software is crap, PhotoReflect are crap, the UPS didn't survive the journey, and none of the networking gear I sent to the hotel gets me a connection in my room - it nearly reaches......nearly....However, the hotel are brilliant and are going to try and get wifi up to my room though which is superb.

Today another glitch threw itself into the mix - new (but s/h) camera died. 8k actuations and it's shutter has back to the UK it goes for a repair. With any luck I'll get it back late next week.

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