It was a good warm today, though strangely dark at times. We had lunch in the garden and I dozed over the Guardian magazine until Ann suggested walking into Stratford for a coffee. Interesting article in the magazine about the 5:2 diet and how it could be applied to other factors of life, fitness, anxiety, spending money, marital relationships etc.; the basic principle being do as you like five days a week and fast on the two others, these being any days that are non-consecutive.
Anyway, I digress. I took this picture as we walking home along Waterside; it is the statue of Hermaphroditus sculpted by J.H. Foley in 1844 for the Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace. This Greek deity, the child of Aphrodite and Hermes, is androgynous, that is both male and female. More information can be found at the Wiki Place.
This picture is dedicated to Roz as not only will it remind her of being bitten on the bum yesterday, but also, if you look closely, you can see a flying pigeon!
ps in case you were wondering, there is a discrete covering on the front of the statue.
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