Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

I’ve been out

gallivanting again. But I left the party early as I have a major assessment due at midnight on Friday. It’s got 6 parts to it and I have only finished part 2.

So when the other fine young cannibals were only at the ordering the dessert stage, I snuck out. Out into the miserable rainy Dublin streets and home about 10 mins ago. I’m in bed with a cup of lemon ginger tea (it aids digestion y’all), my lap top on my knee and a bounty bar. I’ve washed my teeth so I will be going to sleep with delicious bits of chewy coconut lodged between me gnashers.

This is gonna be a late nighter but I’m home early with a brilliant alibi - all good.

(Apologies for not commenting. But I’m behind with every aspect of my life atm)

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