A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Testing, testing, one, two, three

Larger Lucy.

I could tell you that my new toy camera arrived today, after much deliberation and research before settling on the camera I wanted.

I could tell you that I wanted something less cumbersome than a DSLR (so I can literally take it anywhere) but that I also wanted respectable performance in terms of autofocus, dynamic range and high ISO and that I had looked at a number of cameras, checking various scores and test results on a number of reputable websites.

I could tell you how this is a RAW file with slight adjustments to exposure and clarity.

Or I could just say:

Here is a picture of one of our dogs; this is Lucy, the dog you're most used to seeing on my blips (which even then isn't very often) as Poppy, the other dog, always manages to look away at the last second whenever I try to photograph her.


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