
By Overlander


2 Large Lemons ( ends discarded, pips removed).
350 ml Water
1 small red Onion( finely chopped).
1 Tbl finely chopped chili
3 garlic finely chopped ( i used 1 Tsp grated fresh Ginger).
1 Tsp Turmeric pd or 2 Tbl. finely chopped fresh Turmeric.
2 Tbl. Olive oil
250 g Cane sugar ( not refined).
2 Bay leaves
A large pinch of Salt.
=> Put water and lemon to boil.
=> Turn down the heat and boil for 5 min.
=> Add the rest and boil on a lower heat for 25 min.
Bottle it in sterilised Bottles. Enjoy. .. **
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