Watching the red

A grey and drizzly morning; I did a bit of sorting for our next Photo Club competition 'Subtle Humour'. This is the pre-Christmas competition where quality matters less than fun! 

We planned to set off for Glasgow after an early lunch to see Mrs M's family. While having lunch a squirrel appeared on the bank and I took some pictures through the window, but the squirrel was quick and the light bad so most of them were unusable. I popped outside and grabbed this one before he knew what was happening! We're staying with Mrs M's  brother for a couple of days so I thought I'd wait until we arrived before putting my Blip on, but his computer is quite unfamiliar and I had difficulty working out what to do!

The two and a half hour journey was pretty miserable - getting wetter and darker as we drove down the side of Loch Lomond. What a change after those wonderful sunny day during the last week!

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