mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Bug on a Daisy!

When we arrived in UK from our holiday I was amazed to find the verges full of beautiful oxeye daisies! They're such a cheerful flower.
I got up early and got a couple of washing loads done and on the line so that I didn't feel guilty about joining a Nordic walk this morning. I wanted to photograph the daisies and would you believe that where we went there weren't any! It was just cow parsley everywhere!
After the walk I took the dogs out along the river where I knew there would be some and sure enough there were masses! I zoomed in on this one and saw the little green bug! Shame I only got his rear end. I wasn't sure when I took it! (Needed my reading glasses!!)
I almost got two loads dry on the line but then it went grey and started to spit with rain so that was the end of that! I now have holiday washing everywhere!! :-)

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