Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Noble Rot

Last year's annual staff performance review document came in the form of an excel spreadsheet.
The following questions were posed;
How do you feel the year has gone for you?
How do you think you have improved in the year?
Is there anything you could have done better?
Where do you see your next improvement/growth being?
What skills do you have that you think we could use more effectively?
Is there anything you think the company could be doing differently to improve you and the company?
Any other comments?

Answers were expected to be written into adjacent cells and the finished article sent to the MD about a week before the actual appraisal.
During the actual appraisal the MD glanced at what I had submitted, informed me of what my salary would be for the following year and asked me to send in the next member of staff on her list.

This year's annual staff performance review document arrived as a pdf with the following questions;
How do you feel the year has gone for you? (dropdown options; unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, excellent)
Please explain why? (Max Limit - Approx. 50 words)
What areas could you improve in next year? (Max Limit - Approx. 50 words)
Please provide general commentary on your performance, the company, and any other matters you feel are necessary. (Max Limit - Approx. 250 words)

We were asked by the MD's PA not to say anything negative as she's a bit stressed and after all, we've had all year to raise any grievances.
Except that we haven't, she is largely inaccessible.

Look at the generous scope for career development, training on offer etc. It's all a charade. Basically, if you haven't been fired you still have a job. If she doesn't like you, she fires you.

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