All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Old and New

It was a slight change to Ethan's routine this evening as I picked him up from nursery rather than hubbie. This meant he had to stay in nursery an hour longer than usual as I don't finish work till 5.30pm and there weren't many other children left there when I arrived. He seemed happy enough though, especially when I told him Daddy was at the airport picking up Granny and Grandpa!

They arrived home shortly after us and Grandpa was rewarded with big smiles and cuddles while poor Granny was pretty much ignored!

I went out for run 2 of week 4 of C25K tonight and was quite chuffed at how it went (hard going at first but got through it and ended up getting easier as it went along). Am now running for 16 minutes out the 30 so am slowly getting there! Also used my new iphone for the first time which hubbie kindly bought me yesterday! My old phone was so antiquated, I could only fit 7 weeks out the 9 of c25k on it and there was then no more space for any other aps and it kept crashing when I tried to use Facebook or anything else on it! So hopefully this phone is the way to go!

I now just need to decide how much new running gear I can justify investing in. Still using my old (pre Ethan!) trainers - hoping they'll keep me going for a while until I see how serious I get about this but some new tops that don't keep riding up all the time might be on the cards!

Bit worried about Zoe tonight though. She has started having sort of fits ... she suddenly keels over, landing on the floor with a big thud, lies dead still on the floor for a few seconds, before getting up again like nothing has happened. First noticed her do it a week or so ago but has happened twice today. Hoping there is nothing seriously wrong - she's 16 now and already on lifelong thyoid medication, poor thing.

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