Such A Wonderful Life

By djdeelicious

Paddan Boat Tour

up at 4.30 this morning for a 7.40 Heathrow departure to Gothenburg. Great Giraffe breakfast & flight and checked into our ship-converted hotel by 1 in the afternoon. We had a bus ride through the city, a traditional Swedish shrimp salad lunch with Iced Coffee and then managed to get on the hour Paddan Boat tour of the city which had some beautiful scenery (and passed under some bridges that were so low we had to lay on the floor of the boat!) Another wander around the city in blazing sunshine (i've caught some colour!) a drink in a lovely outdoor bar with great music, ice creams and a tram ride back to the hotel took us to early evening but after a heavy weekend and super early morning we needed a bit of a lay down!
Unbelievable how late it stays light here, the sun was just setting at about 10.30pm - simply stunning and so nice to enjoy from our quiet cabin window. We went back out and TRIED to get a cache, but no joy so far...
Looking forward to a good nights sleep, a hearty breakfast to set me up for the day and some Science & Maritime Museum sightseeing tomorrow :)

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