Where's the Panic button !!

I videoed my LVA choir yesterday at 2 performances, so today was edit day ! I managed one song yesterday but today with 40 Gigs to edit from one continuous video things started with problems.. I spilt the the first song and started to render it on my old Adobe video editor. After 2.5 hours with another 2.5 hours to go I cancelled it and tried a shorter clip. As the cip in the storyboard line was taking so long to show the video I took a risk and started the render which showed 2 hours. After 2 hours it finally finished:-) So put it on play the sound was great but all the video was just a green screen as can be seen.
I asked my daughter's partner who lives with us and has done a degree in animation if there was a way to split a 40gb MP4 file he said there was a way via Microsoft picture editor, but they were about to out to look at the ice sculptures around town (last day today ) .
Well Good old Google came to the rescue, as I found a tutorial on the video editor in Microsoft. I am not a fan of Microsoft but it did help me split all the songs into seperate files which I have now downloaded to the choir Facebook page . Happy days :-) oh and There are loads of great comments on my efforts :-)

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