Just the Withers......

By JaneW

John & Yoko back together again ..

Haaaaaaaaaa I’m with my girl LeeAnne … we are up in The Borders … apart for just liking to see her face she’s finished upholstering my manky old wing back chair so it’s a win win … Jim’s just treated us to a Christmas dinner special at the local restaurant.. I like that place because they don’t give you a choice of soups despite having two different flavours , you have to wait for one to sell out before you are allowed the other one , but if the one you order sells out before your waiter gets his order in you get the one that you didn’t ask for … makes perfectly NO SENSE .
We found this out back in April when we were here for LeeAnnes 21st ( 75th ) birthday. I eagerly awaited the soup choices this evening but instead they asked if we wanted some lunch leftovers for £1 , Jim was agreeable to the £1 starter .
Anyhow we are now lying in bed because the 15 bedroom Victorian house we are in is having new heating meaning there is non … it’s baltic … therefore we are just heating the bridal suite and our room with portable heaters and quite frankly it’s almost as fun as camping. ;-))

PS …Netherbyres is also a wedding venue… give it a Google … it’s in Eyemouth

PPS … That’s the house we are in .. Netherbyres … I didn’t make it clear did I ……

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